Friday, May 22, 2015

NINJA BUNNY by Jennifer Gray Olson - reviewed #PPBF

Ninja Bunny by  

Author/Illustrator:Jennifer Gray Olson
Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers, 2015
Intended Age: 3-7 (I would say 3-5)
Theme: Teamwork, Friendship
Opening Line: "Rule 1: A super awesome ninja must always work alone."
Synopsis: A little bunny practicing to be a ninja comes up against a big brown bear.

What I like about this book: The cover art charmed me. Olson captures a child-like spirit and stance in her bunnies that kept me turning pages. The pictures provide the humorous reality to the understated, sparse text that is a list of rules to follow in order to become a ninja. The plucky book-reading bunny totes his how-to tome across the pages and with the bunny covered head to toe in ninja garb, the emotion is conveyed with a skillful adjustment of bunny eyebrows!


  • NOTE that there is an online web-comic Ninja Bunny character. This is NOT related to the book. I didn't read the entire (years!) blog for child-friendly content so you may not want to let children web search this on their own!
  • Ask children to compare the story and characters in NINJA BUNNY to THE THREE NINJA PIGS by Corey Rosen Schwartz, NINJA! by Arree Chung and Todd Tarpley's MY GRANDMA'S A NINJA. Which is their favorite story? Why?
  • List character traits for a ninja. Are they good or bad?
  • Discuss why we have rules. When can they be changed?
  • Write your own set of ninja rules.
  • For older readers, talk about what a ninja really is--not the comic portrayal. 
This review is part of PPBF (perfect picture book Friday) where bloggers share great picture books at Susanna Leonard Hill's site. Along with tons of writing wisdom, she keeps an ever-growing list of Perfect Picture Books. #PPBF

Note: I received a review copy from Random House/Knopf Books for Young Readers. No other compensation was received.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Thanks for stopping by! :) 


  1. This will certainly be a winner among children! The cover is terrific! I like your resources and suggestions to pair books, and list ninja character traits and rules. Great ideas.

    1. I have to admit to having been swayed to "like" ninjas by their children's book portrayals. It's amazing how concepts can morph from their intended meaning.

  2. Ha! What a great concept for a had me with the first line! Will definitely try to grab a copy, Wendy...thanks for an awesome review. ;) And I agree with Pat, great activities...I'll try them out with my grandson.

    1. Hope you and grandson enjoy the activities, Vivian!

  3. Isn't it clever how an illustrator can express so much with just the eyebrows and eyes. LOVE that cover.

    1. It almost makes me want to try my hand at illustrating. Almost. Ha!

  4. Aw, man! This looks stinkin' cute! Must check this out! Thanks, Wendy!

    1. It reminds me a bit of your own stinkin' cute style, Julie. Enjoy!

  5. The cover alone will sell this PB! Is Ninja the new Pirate? Ninja books are so popular.

  6. I can think of a few readers who will HAVE To have this. Thanks!

    1. I forgot to add the formal release date is June 9! So some patience is required.

  7. What cool illustrations! And I love the idea of writing my own Ninja rules. Can't wait...

    1. I'm a rule writer, and a rule breaker! Glad you enjoyed the idea, Sue. :)

  8. This sounds really really cool! Great find! :D
