Friday, September 27, 2024

Review of Make More S'mores by Cathy Ballou Mealey and Ariel Landry

 Writing in rhyme is hard to do. So when it's done well, it's a standout joy to read.

Make More S'mores is one of those fantastic rhyming books!

Author: Cathy Ballou Mealey

Illustrator: Ariel Landry

Publisher: Sleeping Bear Press, 2023

Themes: Friendship, Sharing, Food

Opening Line(s):

     "Glowing coals are finally ready.

     Roscoe holds his sharp stick steady."

What I like about this book: I'm a fan of books that do rhyme well. It's hard!! 

We also have a "Roscoe" that's been visiting our backyard, and stole a box of chocolate truffles that was sent to my husband and delivered to the side steps while we were away. On the security camera, I thought  Roscoe was knocking at the door! Turns out he probably needed more chocolate for s'mores, LOL.

The illustrations capture Roscoe's emotions well and use blue/pink and orange/blue contrasting tones to make the images pop off the page. Roscoe is the host I wish I could be. He's patient and sweet and a great role model for readers.


  • Make s'mores!
  • Invite friends to share a treat with you and ask your reader/listener to help you calculate how much food/other treats you're going to need
  • Discuss what you would do if there is only one cookie and two people want it. What if it's something you can't cut in half (like a stuffed animal or hair barrette)?
  • Read another of the author's books and discuss which you prefer and why
  • Make up a two-line rhyme about a food you like (keep going if you feel inspired!)

For more Perfect Picture Book Friday suggestions - visit Susanna Leonard Hill's blog!