Monday, March 3, 2025

A Gosling Steps Up by Wendy Greenley #50preciouswords entry

 I think most picture book writers are familiar with Vivian Kirkfield. If you're not, I'lll wait while you check out her website and blog.

For several years now, she's run a fun contest in March, to write a complete story (beginning, middle and end --not a concept piece) in fifty words or less. Yep. 50. Not a typo. 

Here's my entry this year. It came about as a result of me seeing a lone goose flying in the night sky, and then watching a gaggle of geese that gather in the nearby community college's fields. I hope you enjoy it! 

Gosling Steps Up by Wendy Greenley

(50 wds)


I listen.

Whistler and Honk share sentry duty, keeping us safe.

But Honk’s sick.

I watch.

Whistler’s head swivels.

His neck stretches.

Time passes—

Whistler yawns.

Honk’s beak is under his wing.

Others can’t leave eggs they’re incubating.

I’ve learned. 

I stretch.


Feel big.

Is it time?

I volunteer.

Adobe Stock photo - 

Canada Goose Lookout 04

I think you can find my entry on Vivian's blog by following this link. Note I say I think - not I'm sure, LOL. There are always hundreds of entries!